September 30th 2019 – Death of Frank Byrnes

It is with great sorrow that we announce the death of our beloved member, Frank Byrnes. Frank was a member of the ITBA for many years serving in various roles from Chairman of the Executive Committee to Chairman of the Senior Sub-Committee. He was a friend to everyone he met and a source of strength for all who knew him. He will be sadly missed. Our sincerest condolences go out to his family.

Funeral arrangements are as follows:

Reposing at Fanagans Funeral Home, Dundrum on Wednesday (October 2) from 5pm to 6pm. Funeral Mass on Thursday (October 3) at 11am in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Ballinteer, followed by burial at Shanganagh Cemetery.

ITBA EGM August 2018

The Irish Tenpin Bowling Association 2018 AGM held on Tuesday April 24th 2018 and the 2018 EGM held on Tuesday 29th May 2018, both concluded without the election of a five member Executive.

Please be advised that a further Extraordinary General Meeting of the ITBA will be held on the 28th day of August, 2018 at 8pm at Sport Ireland HQ (NGB Building), National Sports Campus, Abbotstown, Dublin 15… Click here to view full details and to access nomination papers.

Adult Triple Crown 2018 Exemptions & Wildcards

The Adult Triple Crown will be held in Leisureplex, Blanchardstown on the 14th – 16th of September 2018. The deadline for applications for the two possible Wildcards or one Wildcard & one Exemption, available to bowlers outside the Top 12 on each of the Men’s and Ladies Panels for the Adult Triple Crown, is this Sunday, 8th July 2018…. Read more