Thank you from Stan Dagg’s family

It is with much gratitude and appreciation that we wish to thank all those who sympathised with us on the death of our beloved Stan  –  a wonderful husband, father and grandfather  who is greatly missed.

We know many of you would have attended Stan’s funeral but sadly on account of Covid were unable to be there, so we particularly appreciated all the cards and letters of sympathy we received  … especially on and also in the ITBA newsletter .

Our special thanks go to Paddy Gibbons for making a wonderful cd of Stan’s bowling achievements.  This means so much to us.

Also many thanks to John Wilson for writing a lovely tribute to Stan remembering him over the years.

Thanking you all so much  …

Joyce, Stephen, Lynda and Jenny.

ITBA 2021 Annual General Meeting

The ITBA Executive wish to advise that due to current COVID-19 restrictions it has been deemed necessary to postpone the 2021 Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 27th 2021.

As soon as restrictions allow, the Executive will reschedule the meeting and advise all members.

ITBA COVID-19 Return To Sport Protocol

The ITBA in conjunction with Sport Ireland and Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport (DTTS) have finalised a protocol for the Return to Bowling.

ITBA COVID-19 Return To Sport Protocol

This document should be reviewed by all ITBA Members and adhered to with regard to all ITBA official sessions whether be Practice, Training or Competition as and when they are organised.

Other documents you will become familiar with when attending ITBA official sessions are as follows. These documents will by provided by your Sub-Committee COVID-19 Officer:

ITBA COVID-19 Registration Form

ITBA COVID-19 Officer Advice

Sport Ireland COVID-19 Awareness eLearning Course

Please note that the linked COVID-19 Awareness eLearning Course has now been updated to include COVID-19 Officer training. This will be completed by Officers appointed by each Sub-Committee to manage their bowling activities.

With bowling centers reopening over the coming weeks, we are continuing to work with Sport Ireland, the Federation Of Irish Sport and the Centers in planning for a safe return for all our bowlers.

As further details become available we will be providing information here so that all Bowlers, Coaches and Officials are aware of the protocols that must be adhered to. To prepare you for what is coming, please follow this link to a COVID-19 Awareness eLearning Course provided by Sport Ireland.

If you want further information it can be found on the Sport Ireland COVID-19 site.

We look forward to seeing you all back on the lanes in the near future.

ITBA 2020 AGM Postponed

In the best interests of our Members, the ITBA has made the decision to postpone our upcoming AGM. The event was due to be held in the Irish Sports HQ (NGB Building), on Tuesday, 28th April.

This is to ensure the safety of our Members and your families at this difficult time, which is our primary consideration.

Alternative arrangements for this event will be shared in due course.

2020 National Youth Championships – POSTPONED

The ITBA Junior Sub-Committee are sorry to advise that due to Covid-19 and in the best interest of Bowlers, Supporters and Officials, the 2020 National Youth Championships has been postponed.

The Junior Sub-Committee will be monitoring the situation and working to identify a revised venue and date for this event. All bowlers will be advised as soon as these arrangements have been finalised.

Passing of ITBA Member & Coach Tom Moore

It is with sadness that we have learned of the death of ITBA Member & Coach Tom Moore.

Tom was for many years a member of the ITBA and a coach of both Junior and Special Olympics bowlers through Leisureplex Tallaght.

Our condolences to his family at this sad and difficult time. May he Rest In Peace.