ITBA Match Play 2021

The ITBA Team Ireland Match Play will take place in Leisureplex Coolock on October 22nd and 23rd.

The event will be played on the Bourbon Street pattern. Bowlers will play 5 games to determine the top 32 finalists. All seeding will be based off Qualifying scores. The highest seed player will play the lowest seed player ( 1v32 / 2v31 / 3v30 etc.). Bowlers will then break off into their groups and then bowl 2 game Total Matchplay with cut to top 16. The highest seed player will play the lowest seed player over 2 games with cut to top 8. The highest seed player will play the lowest seed player over 2 games with cut to top 4. The highest seed player will play the lowest seed player over 2 games with cut to top 2. The final match will again be over 2 games.

Handicap will be based on 80% of 210 based on highest average as provided & confirmed.
Ties will be decided by high last game.

Click here for the online entry form.

Open position on the ITBA Executive.

The ITBA Executive Committee are currently looking for a member to fill the role of Executive Secretary until the next AGM in April 2022. This opening has arisen upon the resignation on September 6th of the secretary appointed at the 2021 AGM.

For further detail please visit the Executive Forms & Documents or click here.

Open position on the ITBA Executive.

The ITBA Executive Committee are currently looking for a member to fill the role of Executive Secretary until the next AGM in April 2022. This opening has arisen upon the resignation on September 6th of the secretary appointed at the 2021 AGM.

For further detail please visit the Executive Forms & Documents or click here.

Government announcement on easing of Restrictions

On Friday May 28th the Government announced a further easing of Restrictions for June and July.

Key Highlights relating to sport and physical activity are summarised below.

From 7 June

  • Outdoor sports matches & competition can recommence.
  • The numbers permitted at organised outdoor events is a maximum of 100 for the majority of venues, with a maximum of 200 for outdoor venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000.
  • Indoor facilities such as gyms, swimming pools, leisure centres and sports clubs can reopen for individual training. Sport Ireland has previously provided guidance to the sector on the delivery of individual indoor sport. This Guidance is reattached for convenience.
  • Swimming lessons and classes can also resume.

From 5 July (Subject to Public Health)

  • The numbers permitted at outdoor organised events can further increase to a maximum of 200 for the majority of venues, with a maximum of 500 for outdoor stadia/venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000
  • Indoor sports training, exercise and dance activities can recommence in pods of up to 6
  • Additional indoor facilities such as bowling alleys, snooker halls, ice-skating/roller skating rinks and waterparks can reopen in line with appropriate sectoral guidance

Please find some additional information / reminders in relation to the resumption of sport and physical activity during the current June phase.

Outdoor Competition:

‘The numbers permitted at organised outdoor events is a maximum of 100 for the majority of venues, with a maximum of 200 for outdoor venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000.’

These figures 100/200 relate to the number of spectators that will now be permitted to attend an event. These figures are independent of participants, officials and coaches.

Sport Ireland has previously distributed guidance to individual / non team sports in relation to delivering competition. NGBs are encouraged to continue to take a prudent approach to overall capacities in the initial return and are encouraged to discuss competition plans and needs with Sport Ireland.

Outdoor Training:

While the return to outdoor Competition can return, the Pods of 15 concept are still maintained for training purposes. In line with previous phases, multiple pods can be used during training sessions however these pods should not mix.

Indoor Individual Training Capacities:

Indoor training activity (no indoor Games, matches or competitions) is currently permitted.

Detailed Guidance on the return to Individual indoor Training specifically for NGBs and LSPs has been previously distributed by Sport Ireland and continues to apply.

The total numbers permitted in an indoor facility will be determined by the overall size of the venue.

When finalising capacity numbers sports should ensure that all relevant protocols in particular physical distancing can be fully implemented.

Other indoor leisure facilities, including gyms, are reopen for people to take part in individual exercise, including 1 to 1 training. It is important to note that indoor Group exercise classes are not permitted in those facilities at this point.

Managing Overall Capacities:

In addition to the gradual return to sporting activity, June & July will see a broader re-opening of society. Sporting Bodies should consider the return of multiple elements of activity such as competition, spectators, hospitality etc. at venues and plan accordingly.

Participation in Sporting Activity during COVID 19:

As with all activity during COVID 19 the return to training and competition should be on an opt-in basis, with participants taking personal responsibility to decide whether they are happy to return. It is important that participants are not be penalised if they wish to opt-out of activity.

Participants should be encouraged to communicate any concerns to their club and/or National Governing Body so that they can be addressed accordingly.

Youth and Adult Triple Crown Tournaments in 2021

We are all aware that COVID-19 has impacted bowling, with many Federations having little or no competitive bowling over the past year and currently there is no clarity of timescales for a route back. For this reason, the Triple Crown Presidium have decided to cancel the Youth and Adult Tournaments in 2021, having previously confirmed the cancellation of the Senior event in April.

This decision was not taken lightly, it will however allow all Federations to get back to competitive bowling in line with lockdown restrictions easing in each of the Home Nations, provide time to rebuild Triple Crown teams and to get back to form, creating optimism for some great competition in 2022. It also means that the hosts can plan and organise the events with a degree of confidence that they will go ahead.

2022 Triple Crown Tournaments
• Seniors – Ireland (April)
• Youths – England (August)
• Adults – Wales (September)

Thank you from Stan Dagg’s family

It is with much gratitude and appreciation that we wish to thank all those who sympathised with us on the death of our beloved Stan  –  a wonderful husband, father and grandfather  who is greatly missed.

We know many of you would have attended Stan’s funeral but sadly on account of Covid were unable to be there, so we particularly appreciated all the cards and letters of sympathy we received  … especially on and also in the ITBA newsletter .

Our special thanks go to Paddy Gibbons for making a wonderful cd of Stan’s bowling achievements.  This means so much to us.

Also many thanks to John Wilson for writing a lovely tribute to Stan remembering him over the years.

Thanking you all so much  …

Joyce, Stephen, Lynda and Jenny.

ITBA 2021 Annual General Meeting

The ITBA Executive wish to advise that due to current COVID-19 restrictions it has been deemed necessary to postpone the 2021 Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 27th 2021.

As soon as restrictions allow, the Executive will reschedule the meeting and advise all members.