ITBA 2021 Annual General Meeting

The ITBA Executive wish to advise that due to current COVID-19 restrictions it has been deemed necessary to postpone the 2021 Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 27th 2021.

As soon as restrictions allow, the Executive will reschedule the meeting and advise all members.

ITBA COVID-19 Return To Sport Protocol

The ITBA in conjunction with Sport Ireland and Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport (DTTS) have finalised a protocol for the Return to Bowling.

ITBA COVID-19 Return To Sport Protocol

This document should be reviewed by all ITBA Members and adhered to with regard to all ITBA official sessions whether be Practice, Training or Competition as and when they are organised.

Other documents you will become familiar with when attending ITBA official sessions are as follows. These documents will by provided by your Sub-Committee COVID-19 Officer:

ITBA COVID-19 Registration Form

ITBA COVID-19 Officer Advice